Space is the place

08.09.2023 → 04.02.2024

mudac presents Space is the place, a programme that focuses on the complex relationship between the cosmos and our planet. Bringing together the work of designers, artists and science fiction writers, as well as a wide range of stakeholders in these issues, the programme includes two exhibitions, three publications and a series of events.

Two exhib­i­tions

The first exhib­i­tion, entitled Cosmos, exam­ines the universe from Earth. It explores design­ers’ and artists’ fascin­a­tion with the laws of astro­phys­ics, observ­able phenom­ena and the fascin­at­ing beauty of the cosmos.

The second exhib­i­tion, Terra, reverses the perspect­ive. The exhib­i­tion exam­ines the tech­nos­cientific prom­ises of abso­lute control and manip­u­la­tion of our planet, inher­ited from the Age of Enlight­en­ment and largely accel­er­ated by the indus­trial revolu­tion and, more recently, geoen­gin­eer­ing.

In situ Install­a­tions

As part of Space is the place season, four install­a­tions are presen­ted at Plate­forme 10.

Exhib­i­tion Cosmos

Curators Marie Pok
Thomas Hertog
Scenography Ghaith&Jad
Visual identity Ekta

Exhib­i­tion Terra

Curators Jolanthe Kugler
Scott Longfellow
Scenography Camille Neméthy
Visual identity Notter+Vigne

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