Keep it Flat


Keep it Flat. A Short History of the Flat Earth is a book co-published with Les presses du réel to coin­cide with the exhib­i­tion Terra. Design­ing Our Planet, in which the Keep it Flat install­a­tion is presen­ted for the first time by design­ers Emma Pflieger and Antoine Fœglé.

What is the defin­i­tion of the flat Earth theory? How does this theory appro­pri­ate polit­ical and scientific events to offer an altern­at­ive narrat­ive? From trains and YouTube videos to radio and photo­graphy, the flat Earthers have skil­fully capit­al­ised – and continue to do so – on the means of dissem­in­at­ing inform­a­tion to cast doubt on the Earth’s spher­i­city.

Keep it Flat. A Short History of the Flat Earth brings together the views of a design theor­ist (Alex­an­dra Midal), a neur­os­cient­ist (Albert Moukheiber), two design­ers (Antoine Fœglé and Emma Pflieger), and exhib­i­tion curat­ors (Jolanthe Kugler and Scott Long­fel­low) in an attempt to escape from the Manichean vision that is gener­ally at work in the collect­ive uncon­scious and to under­stand the under­ly­ing mech­an­isms behind the flat Earth theory.

This public­a­tion is avail­able in French and English from our book­shop.

CHF 20

Project management Jolanthe Kugler
Scott Longfellow
Authors Jolanthe Kugler et Scott Longfellow
Emma Pflieger et Antoine Fœglé
Alexandra Midal
Albert Moukheiber
Co-publishing Les presses du réel/mudac
Editorial coordination Marie Taillan
Graphic design and layout Notter+Vigne
Languages French