
21.03 → 21.09.2025
The Solar Biennale 2

From the spring equinox to the autumn equinox of 2025, mudac will host the second Solar Biennale with the exhibition Soleil·s which will take place in the Plateforme 10 arts district and on the EPFL campus.

Launched in 2022 in the Neth­er­lands by design­ers Pauline van Dongen and Marjan van Aubel, the Solar Bien­nale provides a plat­form for reflec­tion on the chal­lenges of solar energy. For this second edition, mudac will broaden the theme by bring­ing together design­ers, curat­ors, activ­ists, and research­ers to explore expan­ded perspect­ives on how to approach ecolo­gical trans­ition.

Far from limit­ing itself to a single, socially construc­ted vision, Sun·s will address the symbolic, polit­ical, prac­tical, and aesthetic dimen­sions of solar energy.

Four main themes will be considered :

Recog­nising the multi­fa­ceted nature of the sun, mudac is collab­or­at­ing with insti­tu­tions such as HEAD, ECAL, ZHDK, and several EPFL entit­ies to foster the neces­sary inter­dis­cip­lin­ary approach. New commis­sions have been entrus­ted to design­ers, and a part­ner­ship with publish­ing house La Volte will result in the public­a­tion of a collec­tion of short stor­ies, Solar Punk, celeb­rat­ing the power of fiction to imagine bright futures.

Bien­nale programme

  • The exhib­i­tion at mudac will present a fun-filled, multi-discip­lin­ary programme combin­ing install­a­tions, objects, films, innov­at­ive mater­i­als, immers­ive spaces and parti­cip­at­ory features, includ­ing many new creations. Soleil·s invites visit­ors to imagine, explore and dream of bright futures where energy, culture and innov­a­tion come together to meet contem­por­ary chal­lenges.
  • At the same time, several major events will be taking place at EPFL, includ­ing an exhib­i­tion at Archi­zoom, in connec­tion with archi­tec­ture, and an  exhib­i­tion of projects from the Enter the Hyper Scientific programme at the EPFL Pavil­ions (Pavil­lon A), created by the artists in resid­ence Alice Buck­nell, Mattew Wilson and Emilia Tapprest.
19.03 – 21.03.2025 Opening days
19.03.2025 Press trip
20.03.2025 Opening of the exhibition at mudac
21.06.2025 Solstice and Music Festival
06.09.2025 Sobriety Day

Mischer Traxler, The idea of a tree

© mischer'traxler studio

Alice Bucknell, STAS

© Alice Bucknell

Alice Bucknell, Staring at the Sun

© Alice Bucknell

Nathanaël Abeille, Colomé

© Nathanaël Abeille

Nathanaël Abeille, Applique murale soufflée

© Nathanaël Abeille

TAKK, Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño, Fellaria's Time Capsule


TAKK, Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño, Fellaria's Time Capsule


Curators Scott Longfellow 
Rafaël Santianez 
Assistant Letizia Petrino
Scenography Takk : Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño 
mudac : Magali Conus, Camille Néméthy 
Graphic design Adeline Mollard 

Main partner of mudac

Main partner of Plateforme 10

Scientific partners

Exhibition partners

The exhibition is supported by the Loterie Romande as well as by the Leenaards Foundation, partner of the Résonances project. In this context, mudac entrusted the production of the installation Swiss and sober Vid-eo game to Floating Point Studio in collaboration with Nicolas Carrel.

Main construction partners of mudac