Visits and Activ­it­ies

mudac offers work­shops, guided tours, and lectures that provide tools for under­stand­ing design and the issues involved.

All these events are designed for the general public, as well as school­chil­dren, students, famil­ies, profes­sion­als in differ­ent fields, and people with disab­il­it­ies.

School­chil­dren and teach­ers

Types of activ­it­ies on offer :

Avail­able resources :

Educational pack on chairs Download
Charter for unaccompanied school visits Download
The Design Design publication is available free of charge to teachers If you are interested, please contact us at to arrange for it to be sent by post.

Chil­dren and famil­ies

Types of activ­it­ies on offer :

General public

Types of activ­it­ies on offer :

Newsletter for teachers

Stay informed throughout the year about our offers for schoolchildren.

Laetitia Aeberli Head of cultural outreach
Marie Jolliet Outreach staff
Mudac accessibility officer
Lana Damergi Outreach staff