Design Tour : Benches

A mudac route to do on your own

mudac aims to make this tour access­ible at all times: take the tour whenever you like, using a book­let to guide you to the vari­ous benches featured on the route.

The tour will take you from Place de la Cathéd­rale, where mudac was located between 2000 and 2021, to the new Plate­forme 10 arts district, which houses the museum in a brand new archi­tec­tural setting.

The tour is designed to give you an idea of the diversity of public benches in Lausanne, in terms of form and aesthet­ics, as well as mater­i­als and construc­tion processes.

The Design Walks as seen by Adrien Rovero

Which of the benches on the tour made a partic­u­lar impres­sion on you? How has the shape of the benches changed over time? Indus­trial designer Adrien Rovero talks to us about the design walks.