
Exhib­i­tion cata­logue

Cosmos, the cata­logue for the Cosmos. Design from Here and Beyond exhib­i­tion, has been published in collab­or­a­tion with the Centre for Innov­a­tion and Design at Grand-Hornu (CID) in Belgium. It reveals the concep­tual, poetic, or audio-visual work of design­ers who explore the archi­tec­ture of the Universe.

Black holes, nebu­lae, exoplan­ets, the big bang, the multi­verse – the beauty of cosmic phenom­ena has captiv­ated human­kind since the dawn of time. How do design­ers get to grips with these real­it­ies? Thanks to the contri­bu­tion of cosmo­lo­gist Thomas Hertog, a former colleague of Stephen Hawk­ing and currently Professor of Theor­et­ical Phys­ics at the Univer­sity of Louv­ain, this exhib­i­tion cata­logue weaves fruit­ful links between the worlds of science and design. Curated by Marie Pok, curator and director of CID, the book invites us into the cosmos with a range of design projects that spot­light both its myster­ies and its beauty.

This public­a­tion is avail­able in French and English from our book­shop.
CHF 20

Project management Marie Pok
Authors Marie Pok
Thomas Hertog
Co-publishing Les presses du réel/mudac
Graphic design and layout Ekta & Justine De Spiegelaere
Languages Franch