Objective: Earth


Has our planet become an object of design? In the face of geoengineering, cloud seeding, and ambitious plans to control the planet’s ecosystems, the question seems justified.

Designed alongside the exhibition as a free item, this book traces the gradual objectification of the Earth and critically examines its effects on our planet. It opens with a glossary of 20 key concepts in techno-scientific thinking, before inviting socially committed artists and designers to explore their approaches in greater depth in their texts. Although they use technology, they take a critical look at the systemic disruptions we are facing. Finally, 3 essays by researchers provide a multidisciplinary perspective: technology historian Sabine Holler frames this position in a recent, yet noteworthy history of the concept of “Spaceship Earth”, while design curator Scott Longfellow considers it within the context of total design, and philosopher Frédéric Neyrat invites readers to become aware of that which cannot be apprehended and in doing so, scours the depths of the earth.

This publication is available in our bookshop and also as an eBook.

  • CHF 21 (paper versions)
  • EUR 8.99 (eBook version)
Project management Jolanthe Kugler
Scott Longfellow
Authors Fragmentin
Sabine Hoehler
Aram Kebabdjian
Jolanthe Kugler
Joanie Lemercier
Scott Longfellow
Frédéric Neyrat
Joseph Popper
Tellart (Ries Straver)
Co-publishing Les presses du réel
Translations Peter Horsey
Pascale Vacher (Atidma)
Editorial secretariat Mary Tissot
Virginie Vernevaut
Iconography Timon Ganguillet
Diane Maechler
Editorial coordination Marie Taillan
Graphic design and layout Notter+Vigne
Languages French