Marco Costantini, new director of mudac


Marco Costantini is confirmed as the new director starting from January 1 2024.

Costantini first collaborated with mudac in 2010 as guest curator for the exhibition Covering the Wall. Contemporary Wallpapers. He was invited back in 2014 for Nirvana. Strange Forms of Pleasure before being hired as curator in 2015. He put together the exhibitions Mirror Mirror (2017), Sneaker x Collab (2019), Let’s Meet at the Station (2022), Beirut. Eras of Design (2022) and managed the revivals of Archaic Future (2015), The World of Hergé (2016), Out of Ordinary – Studio Wieki Somer (2017) and The Bauhaus #itsalldesign (2018). In 2020 Costantini was appointed deputy director.

“The strategic vision of mudac that I have in mind will be developed in several phases, each of which will attempt to demonstrate how design, in all its forms, should be seen as a force for commitment that can and should help to make our future desirable.”

Costantini’s vision is built on notions of territory, temporality, commitment and founding values:

By territory, we mean working not only with the local community but also at a national and international level, in the peripheries as well as in the Global South. By temporality, we mean understanding the role of mudac as a sensitive agent focusing on the analysis of our present time, while remaining attentive and vigilant to the future.  By commitment, we mean the collective dimension. The ambition is to develop mudac as an institution which, through its production of exhibitions, publications, events and research, sets out to seize the opportunities and collective intelligence of today and tomorrow in an exploration of a complex, expanding world, beset by crises which often seem insurmountable. It is the “together” dimension of design that ultimately defines its founding value.

Press release

Photo © Khashayar Javanmardi / Plateforme 10

mudac is supported in its activities by its main partner Julius Bär.