
Alongside the museums of Plateforme 10, and in line with its long-standing commitment, mudac promotes the global inclusion of people with and without disabilities, and a culture accessible to all.

Access and contact

The museum’s address is Place de la Gare 17, 1003 Lausanne, Switzer­land.

mudac lies about 500 metres from Lausanne station. You can come on foot, by bike, in a wheel­chair, or with a push­chair. You can also be dropped off by car in front of the mudac entrance. For a map of the area, click here.

Persons accom­pa­ny­ing disabled persons are entitled to free admis­sion to Plate­forme 10 museums. AVS and AI cards entitle the holder to reduced admis­sion.

For any ques­tions or further inform­a­tion about the museum’s access­ib­il­ity, please contact :

Marie Jolliet, mudac access­ib­il­ity officer

People with reduced mobil­ity

The entrance to the museum lies around 500 metres from Lausanne station. The access pave­ment has a steep incline.

The entire Photo Elysée and mudac build­ings are access­ible to people with reduced mobil­ity. Adap­ted toilets are avail­able on each level of the build­ing. Please note: stair­case steps are not marked in contrast­ing colours. Lifts are prefer­able.

Fold­ing chairs are avail­able for people who are tired. Two wheel­chairs are avail­able on request from the build­ing recep­tion.

Two park­ing spaces reserved for people with reduced mobil­ity are avail­able at the end of the Avenue Ruchon­net access road:

  • Google Maps
  • GPS coordin­ates 46°31’06.6″N 6°37’29.7″E

A lift provides access to the Plate­forme 10 esplanade.

Visu­ally impaired people

Guide dogs are welcome through­out the build­ing, includ­ing in the exhib­i­tion halls.

L’Art d’in­clure asso­ci­ation offers cultural activ­it­ies, includ­ing museum visits, adap­ted for the visu­ally impaired, deaf­blind, and other inter­ested members of the public: www.lartdin­

People with a hear­ing impair­ment

All public guided tours are access­ible to the hear­ing impaired thanks to the Comfort-Audio-Phonak magnetic loop system. The magnetic loop works with all hear­ing aids with a T posi­tion.

The magnetic loop system ampli­fies the guides’ voices. People fitted with the system can follow the tour comfort­ably even if they are several metres away from the guide. The system is discreet and very easy to use.

  • Port­able receiv­ers are avail­able on site for hear­ing-impaired visit­ors without hear­ing aids or with a hear­ing aid without a T posi­tion.
  • LSF inter­pret­ers are welcome on public guided tours.

If you would like to take part in the public guided tours and bene­fit from the hear­ing loop, please contact: Sylvie Fussen, recep­tion manager, sylvie.fussen@­plate­

Adap­ted tours and work­shops

On request, mudac can organ­ise tours and work­shops tailored to your needs. Please contact: marie.jolli­et@­plate­

“Culture inclus­ive” label

Awar­ded by Pro Infirm­is’ Inclus­ive Culture Service, the “Culture Inclus­ive” label is awar­ded to cultural insti­tu­tions that make a long-term commit­ment to cultural inclu­sion and parti­cip­a­tion. As part of their mission to be open to all, the Plate­forme 10 museums want to encour­age barrier-free parti­cip­a­tion to cultural life by people with and without disab­il­it­ies.

Label hold­ers commit to the follow­ing five areas of activ­ity: cultural offer, access to content, archi­tec­tural access, job oppor­tun­it­ies, and commu­nic­a­tion.

To sum up

Pro Infirmis’ Switzerland directory provides a complete overview of the accessibility of the mudac building and facilities.