
We would like to thank the companies, foundations, patrons and associations that, alongside us, are committed to promoting creation and creators :

Public institution

Ville de Lausanne

Main partner

Julius Bär

– for its unwavering and enthusiastic commitment over the past four years.

Private partners and patrons

Loterie Romande
Fondation Leenaards
Fondation Les Mûrons

– for its unfailing support for our institution and in particular for the glass art collection, which is now one of the most significant in the world.


Ami.e.s du mudac

Art mediation

L'art d'inclure
TaM – Tandem au Musée
Ville en tête
Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud
Connaissance 3

The Design Lunch course cycle is supported by Connaissance 3.


Adèle Aschehoug
Head of Plateforme 10 Fundraising and Sponsorship

Caroline Gilliard
Assistant, Plateforme 10 Fundraising and Sponsorship

Magali Goby
Assistant, Plateforme 10 Fundraising and Sponsorship 

Become a partner

Whether they support an exhibition or a one-off event or have been committed to the museum for several years, our partners benefit from advantages and exclusive access to mudac.

More information