
mudac, the Cantonal Museum of Design and Contem­por­ary Applied Arts, is a state museum of the Canton of Vaud managed by the Plate­forme 10 Found­a­tion.

Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty
The content published on this website is subject to usage rights and copy­rights. Any repro­duc­tion is prohib­ited.

All works exhib­ited and repro­duced by the mudac are subject to copy­right and cannot be used or repro­duced freely by third parties. It is the indi­vidual respons­ib­il­ity of the public to respect the applic­able copy­right laws.

For works © ProLit­teris: All rights reserved. Without author­iz­a­tion from ProLit­teris, repro­duc­tion and any use of the works other than indi­vidual and private consulta­tion are prohib­ited.