Square Pourer, 2017

10 x 3.5 x 10 cm
Date of acquisition

Square Pourer was created for the carte blanche event Pause at mudac in 2017. Dutch designer Aldo Bakker has developed a very minimal and radical formal vocabulary. Trained in a jeweller’s workshop, he has chosen to literally start from scratch by rethinking shapes, materials and practices. The action of pouring, decanting or even sitting is the subject of remarkable observation that is completely integrated into the manufacture of his products in very limited series.

Meticulous and perfectionist, Bakker knows how to surround himself with the best craftspeople to develop his range of objects. For Square Pourer, he enlisted the knowledge and skills of master silversmith Jan Matthesius. The result of this collaboration can be seen in the delicacy, perfection and essential shape of this container. Bakker’s preparatory drawings are expressed by the craftsman in their finest details, reworking the silver over and over again, resulting in  quintessential precision and formal perfection.

The designer works for major design publishers such as Carpenters, and his objects are collected by major design museums.