Inauguration of Plateforme 10


The inauguration of Plateforme 10, Lausanne’s arts district, took place on the weekend of June 18 and 19, 2022.

During this inaugural weekend, a wide range of events, shows and activities were offered to the public : concerts and brass bands that transported the audience to the far reaches of our planet or into the world of railways and train stations; poetic circus shows with way-out bits on daily scenes that occur in train stations; plays that took the audience on a journey through a dreamworld of stations and passing landscapes; movie screenings with live music accompaniment; and original card games that has challenge young and old alike.

Bâtiment du mudac et de Photo Elysée
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Performance du collectif Ouinch Ouinch
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
PLATEFORME 10 x Percussions Festival International Lausanne : Cod.Act, VonRollTwist V
Danseur-musicien : Maki. Photo © Elsa Mesot
Visite guidée des classes vaudoises dans l'exposition "Rencontrons-nous à la gare"
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Spectacle "À l’échelle" par la Cie Moost
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Spectacle "À l’échelle" par la Cie Moost
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Public avec bâtiment du MCBA en arrière plan
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Performance "Ride 88" de Daya Jones
Photo © Elsa Mesot
Concert de Turquoise Yachting Club
Photo © Emmanuel Denis
Performance du Collectif Ouinch Ouinch
Photo © Elsa Mesot
Public durant le spectacle "À l’échelle" par la Cie Moost
Photo © Elsa Mesot

And now? 3 months of culture and festivities

Plateforme 10 will host a range of events, shows, and activities throughout its inaugural season. A festive visitor-friendly cultural program making stops at dance, theater, contemporary circus, performance, and sound pieces.

Plateforme 10 is pleased to invite visitors of all ages and backgrounds to join us for an imaginary journey.

Next events

3 museums, 3 exhibitions and one theme in common

On the occasion of the reunion of the three cantonal institutions within Plateforme 10, a joint, transdisciplinary inaugural exhibition, Train Zug Treno Tren, is being presented from June 18 to September 25, 2022. Each museum proposes a different approach and explores in its own way the railway theme.

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Listening to the Earth

The climate and environmental crisis is certainly the most important issue facing humanity in the 21st century. The Earth is suffering and is trying to alert us by various means: climate disruption, rising water levels, declining biodiversity and the extinction of certain animal species. The ecological emergency has spread all over the globe, even to the world of design and applied arts. For several years now, mudac has been collecting works that aim to raise awareness of what the Earth is telling us.
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mudac is supported in its activities by its main partner Julius Bär