The Scottish Show Switzerland: 15 Scottish Designers

29.10.2008 → 08.02.2009
Affiche de l'exposition The Scottish Show Switzerland

Organ­ised by The Light­house, Scot­land’s Centre for Archi­tec­ture, Design and the City, Glas­gow, “The Scot­tish Show Switzer­land” presents the work of 15 design­ers who are active in Scot­land: Mari­anne Ander­son, Blue Marmalade, Leigh Ferguson, Graph­ical House, ISO, Paul Kerlaff, Beca Lipscombe, Alex Milton, Mimet­ics, One Foot Taller, O Street, Timor­ous Beast­ies, Derek Welsh, Katy West and Donna Wilson.

The exhib­i­tion offers a rich panor­ama of artistic forms of expres­sion that are tradi­tion­ally linked to design, such as graphic art, furniture, fash­ion, jewellery and 3D anim­a­tion. By means of these diverse examples the visitor will discover – for the first time in Switzer­land – the origin­al­ity, vital­ity and creat­ive­ness of the Scot­tish scene, which has imposed itself on many aspects of contem­por­ary design.