HORS PISTES - Conversations between craftsmen & designers

10.07.2019 → 12.01.2020

The HORS PISTES project initi­ates creat­ive exchange between crafts­men & design­ers all over the world through resid­en­cies that are constantly organ­ised in new places. A true cross-discip­lin­ary and multi­cul­tural labor­at­ory, HORS PISTES addresses original meth­ods of collab­or­a­tion and produc­tion that high­light the signi­fic­ance of human exchange and of shar­ing know-how. In addi­tion, an edit­or­ial team parti­cip­ates in the exper­i­ence and offers a perspect­ive on the envir­on­ment surround­ing the resid­en­cies, i.e. their cultural, histor­ical and geopol­it­ical context.

The exhib­i­tion recounts exchanges that took place during resid­en­cies in Ouagadougou (Burk­ina Faso) in 2013, Banfora (Burk­ina Faso) in 2014 and Nuuk (Green­land) in 2017. These three exper­i­ences took place in differ­ent coun­tries and involved a selec­tion of profes­sion­als with multiple back­grounds. They never­the­less reveal a shared rela­tion­ship with the world: parti­cipants all express the desire to discover and exper­i­ment with mater­i­als and explore the limits of their prac­tice, off the beaten track.

The route through the exhib­i­tion, which features proto­types, samples, models, pictures and videos, reveals the collab­or­a­tions and ques­tions that fuelled the research and the exper­i­ments.