SIGNA­TURE, mudac’s olfact­ory iden­tity

Phil­ippe K. x Laurin Schaub

Discover mudac’s new home fragrance in a box set designed in collaboration with perfume designer Philippe K. and ceramicist Laurin Schaub.

Each box set contains a unique ceramic piece and a fragrance. Exclus­ive collec­tion, avail­able in stores start­ing Novem­ber 30, 2024.

Fragrance by Phil­ippe K.

Philippe K., perfume designer

© Khashayar Javanmardi

In a radi­ant breeze, top notes of berga­mot emerge, provid­ing a perfect blend of fresh­ness and eleg­ance. They give way to heart notes of neroli and jasmine, form­ing a vibrant floral bouquet. The base notes, a bewitch­ing blend of cash­m­eran and white amber, provide warmth, like a comfort­ing veil that enshrouds the room.

‘I imagined Signa­ture as a fluid light passing through the walls of the museum, reveal­ing each work in a new light. Like a sens­ory jour­ney through its exhib­i­tions, mudac’s new fragrance features a blend of vivid outbursts and sooth­ing soft­ness. The compos­i­tion radi­ates an invig­or­at­ing feel­ing of warmth, evok­ing the subtle inter­play of light and shadow that char­ac­ter­ises the museum’s contem­por­ary archi­tec­ture, captur­ing the creat­ive and inspir­ing essence of the place.”

Phil­ippe K.

Ceramic sculp­tures by Laurin Schaub

Laurin Schaub, ceramic artist

© Khashayar Javanmardi

To accom­pany mudac’s fragrance, artist Laurin Schaub has designed an exclus­ive series of hand-craf­ted ceramic sculp­tures that slowly diffuse the fragrance through­out the space.

“Each piece is an exploit­a­tion of form and matter. The ceram­ics are coloured, shaped by hand, glazed, and then cut after firing. With surfaces that are both organic and tech­nical, the work becomes the medium for a subtle dialogue between inside and outside. Thanks to its poros­ity, it absorbs the fragrance and slowly diffuses it through­out the space. This inter­play is completed when the fragrance penet­rates the pores of the object, high­light­ing the colour of the mater­ial.”

Laurin Schaub