Watching the glacier disappear

06.07 → 11.08.2024
Ephemeral Eternity

Watching the Glacier Disappear, a vast public art exhibition, unfolds indoors and outdoors across Switzerland, from Lausanne to Graubünden, and from Valais to Zurich.
It brings together artists of all disciplines, past and present. It networks and federates numerous partner institutions around the highly topical theme of melting glaciers.

The decent­ral­ised exhib­i­tion Watch­ing the Glacier Disap­pear adopts artists’ point of view on the disap­pear­ance of glaciers. It brings together a wide range of part­ners, invit­ing them to consider the processes that are under­way with the help of artists who, through the ages and in a vari­ety of ways, have expressed the complex rela­tion­ship between humans and their envir­on­ment. The inev­it­able end of the glaciers could herald a new begin­ning: learn­ing to listen to and feel the world again, and trying to occupy a more sens­it­ive, humble, just, and peace­ful place in it as human beings.

Glacier melt­ing in Switzer­land as a result of global warm­ing is having a number of consequences for the envir­on­ment, the economy and local communit­ies. As well as increas­ing the risk of avalanches and other natural disasters, shrink­ing glaciers are redu­cing fresh­wa­ter reserves, affect­ing water supplies, agri­cul­ture, and hydro­elec­tric power gener­a­tion. Swiss alpine tour­ism is also being affected, with the gradual disap­pear­ance of glaciers threat­en­ing the income of moun­tain regions.

The Swiss govern­ment has set itself the goal of achiev­ing carbon neut­ral­ity by 2050 and is devel­op­ing scientific research to better under­stand glacier melt­ing and develop adapt­a­tion strategies. However, despite these efforts, glacier melt­ing remains a major chal­lenge requir­ing global action to limit global warm­ing and mitig­ate its impacts.

Ephem­eral Etern­ity

Contem­por­ary artists are using their work to raise public aware­ness of this envir­on­mental crisis, as demon­strated by the works that mudac has chosen to feature in this exhib­i­tion.

For example, Sandrine Pelleti­er’s Tarabeiza (2017) depicts fragile moun­tains of ice, while Anaïs Dunn’s Tension Pays­age (2021) evokes the trans­form­a­tion of glaciers into icebergs. Finally, Patrik Graf’s How I sought prox­im­ity in solitude (2020–2022) uses thawed perma­frost to symbol­ise current or future envir­on­mental change.

By combin­ing differ­ent forms of creation with the issue of melt­ing glaciers, these artists are encour­aging us to think and act in favour of preserving our envir­on­ment. The Ephem­eral Etern­ity exhib­i­tion is there­fore fully in line with mudac’s belief in the abil­ity of design­ers to gener­ate new ways of ques­tion­ing and being in the world.

At Photo Elysée

Photo Elysée is taking part in the Watch­ing the glacier disap­pear project, present­ing eight photo­graphs from its collec­tion – in XXL format – during the Nuit des images event on June 22.


From June 29 to Septem­ber 29, the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne is also taking part in Watch­ing the glacier disap­pear. The MCBA is taking part in this project by installing a work by the artist Katie Pater­son (*1981), Langjökull, Snæfell­s­jökull, Solheima­jökull (2007), in the perman­ent exhib­i­tion of The collec­tion, in dialogue with Le glacier du Rosen­laui (1841), a romantic paint­ing by the Genevan artist François Diday (1802– 1877).