
21.03 → 21.09.2025
Solar Biennale 2

From the spring equinox to the autumn equinox, mudac invites you to soak up the sun with the second Solar Biennale.

Solar Bien­nale at mudac

With Soleil·s exhib­i­tion, plunge into the heart of the Plate­forme 10 arts district in a joyous, trans­dis­cip­lin­ary exhib­i­tion featur­ing install­a­tions, arte­facts, films, innov­at­ive mater­i­als, and immers­ive spaces, includ­ing original creations by a wide rang of artists and design­ers. The Solar Bien­nale will also take place on the EPFL campus, with events, parties and activ­it­ies to explore the many facets of the sun, a univer­sal symbol and source of life.

Launched in 2022 in the Neth­er­lands by design­ers Pauline van Dongen and Marjan van Aubel, the Solar Bien­nale provides a plat­form for reflec­tion on the chal­lenges of solar energy. For this second edition, mudac will broaden the theme by bring­ing together design­ers, curat­ors, activ­ists, and research­ers to explore expan­ded perspect­ives on how to approach ecolo­gical trans­ition. Far from limit­ing itself to a single, socially construc­ted vision, Soleil·s will address the symbolic, polit­ical, prac­tical, and aesthetic dimen­sions of our rela­tions to that star.

Solar Bien­nale at EPFL campus

Recog­nising the multi­fa­ceted nature of the sun, mudac is collab­or­at­ing with several EPFL entit­ies to foster the neces­sary inter­dis­cip­lin­ary approach. Two events will take place: the Sun Shines on Archi­tec­ture exhib­i­tion at Archi­zoom, and the exhib­i­tion of two projects from the Enter the Hyper Scientific programme at EPFL Pavil­ions – Pavil­ion A.


The Solar Biennale online
Curators Scott Longfellow 
Rafaël Santianez 
Assisted by Letizia Petrino
Set design Takk : Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño 
mudac : Magali Conus, Camille Néméthy 
Graphic design Adeline Mollard 

Main partner of mudac

Institutional partners

Partners of the exhibition

The exhibition is supported by Loterie Romande and the Leenaards Foundation, a partner in the Résonances project. As part of this project, mudac has commissioned Floating Point Studio, in collaboration with Nicolas Carrel, to produce the installation Swiss and sober Vid-eo game.

Main partners of mudac for the construction