Plot in Plastilin

20.09.2018 → 20.01.2019

Plas­tilin, like no other mater­ial, stands for meta­morph­osis. The easily mould­able soft dough can be trans­formed quickly and play­fully, and has long provided an unpar­alleled creat­ive para­dise for anim­ated films, too. This inspir­ing and endlessly reshap­able mater­ial is also found in contem­por­ary works of art, whether in the form of install­a­tions, photo­graphs or anim­ated videos. And thanks to its tech­nical advant­ages, pliable plas­ti­cine is used in product design as well as in graphic design model­ling.

The exhib­i­tion Plot in Plas­tilin is dedic­ated to plas­ti­cine’s wealth of uses in anim­a­tion and contem­por­ary art and design. These include clas­sic anim­ated films by Jan Švank­ma­jer and Bruce Bick­ford, which were some of the first to show­case the imagin­at­ive express­ive force of model­ling clay. In addi­tion, the exhib­i­tion presents well-known produc­tions such as “Wallace & Gromit” and “Shaun the Sheep”, chil­dren’s series such as “Pingu” (a Swiss inven­tion), and exper­i­mental films, short movies and advert­ise­ments, both old and new, along­side music videos and works of art, all of which demon­strate an ongo­ing engage­ment with the unique aesthetic express­ive­ness of this mater­ial.

The exhib­i­tion, conceived by the Gewer­be­mu­seum Winter­thur, also provides an insight into the history of model­ling dough, and gives a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how an anim­ated film is made. There is a large range of accom­pa­ny­ing events, with a focus on colour­ful handi­crafts and anim­ated films.

Exhib­i­tion on first floor of the museum.

With works by:

Aard­man Anim­a­tions (GB) / Garri Bardin (RU) / Bruce Bick­ford (US) / Beni Bischof (CH) / René Castillo (MX) / Art Clokey (US) / Webster Colcord (US) / David Daniels (US) / Nick Donkin (AU) / Adam Elliot (AU) / Ira Elshansky (RU/IL) / Adrian Flücki­ger (CH) / Brigitta Garcia López (CH) / Phil­ipp Hänger (CH) / Henrik Jacob (DE) / Stepan Koval (UA) / Guionne Leroy (BE) / Camillo Para­vi­cini (CH) / Izabela Pluc­in­ska (PL) / Claudia Röth­lin (CH) / Tatia Rosenthal (IL / US) / Allison Schul­nik (US) / Bertold Stall­mach (CH/DE) / Jan Švank­ma­jer (CZ) / Una Szeemann & Bohdan Steh­lik (CH) / Will Vinton (US) / Irmgard Walthert (CH) / BA Anim­a­tion degree course, Lucerne Univer­sity of Applied Sciences and Arts – Design & Art / a. o.