Studio oio and Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence

The Last Pencil, Dropcity, Milano, april 2023

© Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio

In collaboration with mudac, studio oio is exploring the interaction between human and artificial intelligence through two innovative projects. Their mission: to transform new technologies into an accessible, everyday, and sustainable reality, while rethinking museum practices and the field of heritage management.

Foun­ded by Simone Rebaudengo (left) and Matteo Loglio (right), the studio seeks to trans­form emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies into an access­ible, every­day, and sustain­able real­ity for human­ity and beyond. Through the use of machines, oio is commit­ted to redu­cing the ecolo­gical foot­print by design­ing stor­ies and products that imagine our future. Rebaudengo and Loglio aim to make a global impact by help­ing large compan­ies, start-ups, and cultural insti­tu­tions to shape products and tools for a more inter­est­ing future.

Rein­vent­ing museum archiv­ing in the digital age

Devel­op­ments in design, produc­tion and commu­nic­a­tion tools are now forcing museum insti­tu­tions to re-exam­ine their archiv­ing proto­cols.

Can we imagine new meth­od­o­lo­gies and new ways of facil­it­at­ing the imple­ment­a­tion of design research projects? Can new tools help museum insti­tu­tions to manage their herit­age? Can arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, in partic­u­lar, with its accel­er­ated data manage­ment process and its abil­ity to gener­ate images and texts, now be seen as an ally in the work of museums and research­ers?

Studio oio was invited by mudac to produce a proto­type to address these issues – a concep­tual object that would give us a better grasp of the issues involved.

Studio oio in resid­ency at mudac

Under the direc­tion of Scott Long­fel­low, the artists of studio oio immersed them­selves in the work­ings and vision of mudac and the wider land­scape of French-speak­ing Switzer­land by inter­view­ing over 20 local design­ers, arch­iv­ists, and tech­no­logy experts. This year-long resid­ency gave rise to the Archivives project, designed as an archiv­ing system that collects docu­ments and inter­views to explore, using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, the unpre­ced­en­ted possib­il­it­ies of what archiv­ing in the future could look like. New tools for enrich­ing and diver­si­fy­ing archived data have been developed to take account of the context in which design projects are developed and how they are perceived, partic­u­larly by differ­ent audi­ences.

The project first takes the form of inter­act­ive inter­views with design­ers in the exhib­i­tion hall, conduc­ted by both a member of the museum’s curat­orial team and AI. This process explores how the digital archives selec­ted and trans­mit­ted by the design­ers can be enriched through inter­ac­tion with AI.
At the same time, studio oio spec­u­lates on the possib­il­it­ies offered by AI and, at the end of the inter­views, offers a digital poster for a mono­graphic exhib­i­tion that imagines what an exhib­i­tion on design might look like in 10 to 15 years’ time.

The Archivives project is made up of two tools: Le Curieux and Le Rêveur, the fruit of oio’s resid­ency at mudac and developed as part of the Archives du Design Roman exhib­i­tion.


© oio

© oio

The inter­views conduc­ted between a member of the museum’s curat­orial team and a designer, in collab­or­a­tion with the Le Curieux machine, can be accessed as part of the Archives du Design Romand exhib­i­tion:

Tuesday 10 September
Adrien Rovero, industrial design and scenography, Vaud
Friday 27 September
Ligia Dias, jewellery, Geneva
Monday 7 October
Dimitri Bähler, product design and ceramics, Bern
Monday 21 Octobrer
Laure Gremion, product design, Neuchâtel
Friday 8 November
Frédéric Dedelley, industrial design, Zurich
Monday 11 November
Big Game, product design, Vaud
Monday 11 November
Fragmentin, prospective and digital design, Vaud
Friday 15 November
Panter&Tourron, product design, Vaud
Monday 18 November
Bertille Laguet, product design and forge, Vaud
Monday 18 November
Fabien Roy, product design, Jura
Monday 18 November
Werner Jeker, graphic design, Lausanne
Monday 25 November
Multiple Design, industrial and prospective design, Neuchâtel
Monday 2 December
Raphaël Lutz, product and prospective design, Vaud
Monday 9 December
Atelier Oï, product design, Bern
Monday 9 December
André-William Blandenier, industrial design, Geneva
Monday 9 December
Antoine Cahen, industrial design, Vaud
Friday 17 January 2025
Christophe Guberan, product and prospective design, Vaud
Thursday 16 January 2025 4pm Carole Guinard, jewellery, Vaud

© Khashayar Javanmardi

© Khashayar Javanmardi

© Khashayar Javanmardi

Studio oio at Milan Design Week 2023

In collab­or­a­tion with mudac during Milan Design Week 2023, studio oio presen­ted The Last Pencil in Drop­city’s Tunnel 46, located in the former ware­houses of Milan’s cent­ral station and trans­formed into exhib­i­tion areas. The project explores the evol­u­tion of draw­ing tools in an age of enhanced intel­li­gence, far beyond the human mind. While pencils have been a funda­mental tool of human creativ­ity through­out history, The Last Pencil provoc­at­ively envis­ages radical changes in our design prac­tices in the not-too-distant future.

© Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio

© Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio

© Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio

© oio

Find out more about studio oio