Objects of Desire. Surreal­ism and Design, 1924 – Today


Surreal­ism expan­ded our real­ity by draw­ing on myths, dreams, and the subcon­scious as sources of artistic inspir­a­tion.

Objects of Desire. Surreal­ism and Design, 1924 – Today docu­ments this fascin­at­ing dialogue. The book includes numer­ous essays and a wide selec­tion of images that trace this dialogue by juxta­pos­ing repres­ent­at­ive works of art and design objects. The artists and design­ers featured include Gae Aulenti, BLESS, Achille Castigli­oni, Fernando & Humberto Campana, Le Corbusier, Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duch­amp, Front, Iris van Herpen, Fred­er­ick Kiesler, René Magritte, Carlo Mollino, Meret Oppen­heim, and many others. The book is comple­men­ted by histor­ical quota­tions and short state­ments by contem­por­ary design­ers. This in-depth exam­in­a­tion high­lights one thing: form does not always follow func­tion – it can also follow our obses­sions, fantas­ies, and hidden desires.

A Vitra Design Museum public­a­tion, avail­able in German and English from our book­shop.
CHF 59.90

Project management Mateo Kries
Tanja Cunz
Editorial coordination Kristen Thietz
Translations Rebeccah Blum (anglais
Herwig Engelmann (allemand)
Judith Forshaw (Italien)
Editorial secretariat Amanda Gomez (anglais)
Kirsten Thietz (allemand)
Languages German