Compet­i­tion “Prep­pers. Eco-survival Design”

© Charles Negre

In response to mudac’s current exhibition We Will Survive, Friends of mudac are launching their first design competition.

The compet­i­tion aims to high­light the design of prac­tical, innov­at­ive objects that facil­it­ate adapt­ab­il­ity and survival in hostile envir­on­ments; and objects that strengthen personal resi­li­ence, community cohe­sion, or encour­age respons­ible use of the resources that surround us. Objects need to be compact, sustain­able and respond to specific needs, such as the provi­sion of food, water, protec­tion, commu­nic­a­tion or medical care – equip­ment deemed essen­tial in an emer­gency. In the best-case scen­ario, these objects guar­an­tee survival when the end of the world comes.

  • Octo­ber, 25th: submis­sion of project files

  • Janu­ary, 13th: exhib­i­tion of the selec­ted projects and start of sales in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Febru­ary, 9th: end of the exhib­i­tion

Submission of a project

To participate in the competition, please fill out the online form. Deadline: October 25, 2024.

Compet­i­tion prizes

1st Prize:

  • Edit­ing of the winning object by mudac with produc­tion fund­ing of up to CHF 2,000 (incl. VAT)

  • Sale in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Free member­ship of the asso­ci­ation of Friends of mudac for the year 2025

2nd Prize, 3rd Prize and Friends of mudac prize:

  • Display in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Free member­ship of the asso­ci­ation of friends of mudac for the year 2025

Entry criteria

  • This compet­i­tion is open to gradu­ates of design, archi­tec­ture and creat­ive collect­ives resid­ent in Switzer­land, who may enter indi­vidu­ally or collect­ively, regard­less of age.

  • By receiv­ing a prize, the candid­ate(s) under­take to produce the object within the budget and dead­line provided, see regu­la­tions.

  • The object must be exclus­ive to Friends of mudac compet­i­tion and must not previ­ously have been presen­ted at a trade fair or other compet­i­tion.Selec­tion criteria: The jury will pay partic­u­lar atten­tion to the follow­ing points: compli­ance with the entry criteria complete­ness of the docu­ments submit­ted.

Competition Brief

To learn more about the competition and the participation criteria, please consult the online PDF.

Competition Rules

Before participating, please review the rules of the "Preppers. Eco-survival Design" competition organized by the Association of Friends of mudac.