Compet­i­tion “Prep­pers. Eco-survival Design”

© Charles Negre

In response to mudac’s current exhibition We Will Survive, Friends of mudac are launching their first design competition.

The compet­i­tion aims to high­light the design of prac­tical, innov­at­ive objects that facil­it­ate adapt­ab­il­ity and survival in hostile envir­on­ments; and objects that strengthen personal resi­li­ence, community cohe­sion, or encour­age respons­ible use of the resources that surround us. Objects need to be compact, sustain­able and respond to specific needs, such as the provi­sion of food, water, protec­tion, commu­nic­a­tion or medical care – equip­ment deemed essen­tial in an emer­gency. In the best-case scen­ario, these objects guar­an­tee survival when the end of the world comes.

  • Janu­ary, 13th: exhib­i­tion of the selec­ted projects and start of sales in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Febru­ary, 9th: end of the exhib­i­tion

Compet­i­tion prizes

1st Prize:

  • Edit­ing of the winning object by mudac with produc­tion fund­ing of up to CHF 2,000 (incl. VAT)

  • Sale in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Free member­ship of the asso­ci­ation of Friends of mudac for the year 2025

2nd Prize, 3rd Prize and Friends of mudac prize:

  • Display in the mudac Photo Elysée shop

  • Free member­ship of the asso­ci­ation of friends of mudac for the year 2025

Entry criteria

  • This compet­i­tion is open to gradu­ates of design, archi­tec­ture and creat­ive collect­ives resid­ent in Switzer­land, who may enter indi­vidu­ally or collect­ively, regard­less of age.

  • By receiv­ing a prize, the candid­ate(s) under­take to produce the object within the budget and dead­line provided, see regu­la­tions.

  • The object must be exclus­ive to Friends of mudac compet­i­tion and must not previ­ously have been presen­ted at a trade fair or other compet­i­tion.Selec­tion criteria: The jury will pay partic­u­lar atten­tion to the follow­ing points: compli­ance with the entry criteria complete­ness of the docu­ments submit­ted.

Competition Brief

To learn more about the competition and the participation criteria, please consult the online PDF.

Calculation of Selling Price

Please refer to the Excel table to estimate the selling price of your item at the bookstore-gift shop.

Competition Rules

Before participating, please review the rules of the "Preppers. Eco-survival Design" competition organized by the Association of Friends of mudac.