Arte and its Gymnastics Series

Arte’s Gymnastics programme joins forces with mudac for a refreshing exploration of design through 5 brand new episodes featuring works from the museum’s collection.

Epis­ode 1

Listen, the World is Flat…

The flat-earth conspir­acy theory has its follow­ers, but it also has repres­ent­a­tions that have survived through the centur­ies. So what might the world look like accord­ing to flat Earthers? And what role does design play in this?

Epis­ode 2

World Game: The Game of Peace on Earth

In the 1960s, Amer­ican archi­tect and designer Richard Buck­min­ster Fuller inven­ted the World Peace Game, a simu­la­tion game whose aim was to redis­trib­ute the world’s resources in order to estab­lish peace on earth. Sixty years later, the Lausanne-based collect­ive Frag­mentin decided to rein­ter­pret it to create a new version in tune with today’s world.

Epis­ode 3

The Feast of the Future

What happens if you put your gravy boat upside down or eat vertic­ally? Raphaël Lutz presents Design­er’s Table, an exper­i­mental design project that invites us to chal­lenge the way we are used to cook­ing and eating.

Epis­ode 4

The Keep­sakes of Bad Memor­ies

Although they vary from region to region, souven­irs always have the same func­tion: to remind tour­ists of the reck­less­ness of their holi­days. However, the mudac collec­tion includes some less posit­ive souven­irs: the Build­ings of Disaster, created by design­ers Laurence and Constantin Boym, are mini­ature repro­duc­tions of places that were hit by tragedy. But why make souven­irs for bad memor­ies?

Epis­ode 5

A Breath of Fresh Air in Glass­mak­ing

Many of the 200 or so pieces of contem­por­ary glass in the mudac collec­tion were made in the work­shop of glass­blower Mattéo Gonet. Take a behind-the-scenes look at his work­shop in Basel to discover the secrets behind the art of glass­blow­ing and the age-old tech­niques involved.