Prac­tical inform­a­tion

Open­ing hours

The museum is currently closed for the install­a­tion of its new exhib­i­tion Soleil·s and will reopen on March 21.

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 10:00 — 18:00
Thursday 10:00 — 20:00
Tues­day Closed



Musée cantonal de design et d’arts appli­qués contem­po­rains
Place de la Gare 17, 1003 Lausanne, Suisse

By bus Lines 3, 20, 21, 60, 85, stop at Lausanne station; line 6, stop at Cecil
By metro M2, stop at Lausanne station
By car Montbenon car park, then walk between 19 and 21 Av. Ruchonnet
By bike Via the green footbridge linking Avenue Marc Dufour to the station, and bike parks at the station entrance to the site
By train or on foot 5 min from Lausanne SBB station or across Av. Marc Dufour
SBB Train

Cafés-restaur­ant and shop


Access­ib­il­ity, reduced mobil­ity and disab­il­ity

Access to the exhib­i­tions is free for disabled visit­ors and their carers. Wheel­chairs are avail­able on request.

The entire build­ing is access­ible to people with reduced mobil­ity. Guide dogs are welcome through­out the build­ing, includ­ing the exhib­i­tion rooms.

All public guided tours are access­ible to the hear­ing impaired thanks to the Comfort-Audio-Phonak magnetic loop system.