Yves Béhar + fuseproject: From concept to commerce/From commerce to concept

10.03 → 06.06.2004
Affiche de l'exposition Yves Béhar + fuseproject
Carte blanche to Yves Béhar

The Swiss Yves Béhar has created fusepro­ject, a design studio incor­por­at­ing young inter­na­tional talent that is based in San Fran­cisco. Designer, engin­eer, manager and interior designer, he is famous for his collab­or­a­tions with Birken­stock, Diesel, Samson­ite, Toshiba, Microsoft, Hewlett Pack­ard and Nike. He presents at the mudac a reflec­tion on the status designer to meet both public expect­a­tions and require­ments of those giving him commis­sions.

Thus he imagined a whirl­ing spiral repres­ent­at­ive of the dynam­ics of design in the 21st century. This spiral is flanked by displays of two types of objects: plans or not yet imple­men­ted proto­types in the “concept” space and mass products in the “commerce” section.

Flacon de parfum de Yves Béhar/Johan Liden/Geoffrey Petrizzi
Set à Martini de Yves Béhar/Pichaya Puttorngul/Eskil Tomozy
Chaussures de Yves Béhar/Johan Liden/Shawn Sinyork/Eskil Tomozy
Installation tente/voiture de Yves Béhar/Geoffrey Petrizzi/Shawn Sinyork
Casque audio de Yves Béhar/Geoffrey Petrizzi/Johan Liden/Youjin Nam
Ordinateur Toshiba
Emballage de sous-vêtements DEVO
Veste de conduite de Yves Béhar/Johan Liden
Chaussure Évolutive de Yves Béhar/Phil Grebe/Eskil Tomoz