Verre en scène #6

22.12.2018 → 17.02.2019

Verre en scène cycle
Mudac’s contem­por­ary glass art collec­tion includes over 600 pieces. Unfor­tu­nately, the exhib­i­tion area on the museum’s top floor allows us to display only a tiny frac­tion of our invent­ory. To show more pieces, Verre en scène presents a new art piece the museum’s stor­age every two months. Our selec­tion is varied, dynamic and original – a novel display concept that also stems from a desire to show­case the porous bound­ar­ies between the fields of glass art, design and contem­por­ary art. This way mudac’s visit­ors can enjoy more of the works of inter­na­tional glass artists and design­ers while discov­er­ing the use of vari­ous tech­niques and diverse creat­ive contexts. The display in dark­ness with focused light­ing offers an oppor­tun­ity for the viewer to approach these contem­por­ary glass creations in a unique way.

Verre en scène #6 : 22.12.18 – 17.02.2019
Lanterne by Atelier BL 119, 2013

Come and discover this amaz­ing lamp, halfway between contem­por­ary art and design, designed by design­ers Gregory Blain and Hervé Dixneuf of Atelier BL 119 (FR) and produced in collab­or­a­tion with CIAV (Centre Inter­na­tional d’Art Verrier) in Meis­enthal.