Touch. The World at your Fingertips

04.07 → 28.10.2012
Installation interactive de Yuan Li

The mudac and the Musée de la main [Museum of the Hand] join forces to present a unique exhib­i­tion span­ning both sites. This trib­ute to the sense of touch immerses the visitor in the many forms of our sens­ory, and some­times sensual, rela­tion­ship with the world.

The sense of touch may be pleas­ant, unset­tling, repuls­ive, magical, annoy­ing, instruct­ive or pain­ful, but it is always intim­ate. It is used during every moment of our daily lives, and is essen­tial even to exper­i­ence “virtual real­ity”. Through this inter­act­ive and tact­ile exhib­i­tion the public will discover the virtu­oso tech­niques of the hand-made and the ingeni­ous design of ergo­nomic tools; they will exper­i­ence the sensu­al­ity of haptic design and under­stand the import­ance of touch in tech­no­lo­gical inter­faces.

The exhib­i­tion is an invit­a­tion to explore unex­pec­ted sens­ory exper­i­ences, where the divi­sions between the senses are some­times blurred. For example, real plants react to touch through sound in Akous­ma­flore, the musical garden by the French duo Sceno­cosme, while the install­a­tion Lonely in the Crowd by Jan Huggen­berg reacts to the pres­ence of visit­ors by devel­op­ing a swarm of char­ac­ters, colours and patterns depend­ing on how they inter­act.

Touch is based around four themes intro­duced by a touch labor­at­ory:
Hand and machine: crafts­man­ship and industry
Hand and sensu­al­ity: haptic design
Form, func­tion and aesthetic: design and ergo­nom­ics
Body as inter­face: tech­no­logy and inter­activ­ity

Touch, the first joint venture between the mudac and the Museum of the Hand, combines the comple­ment­ary expert­ise and perspect­ive of both insti­tu­tions: science, medi­cine and tech­no­logy for the Musée de la main, and design, graph­ics, fash­ion and contem­por­ary art for the mudac. Their geograph­ical prox­im­ity makes a joint exhib­i­tion a prac­tical propos­i­tion.

The exhib­i­tion will be accom­pan­ied by a series of lectures by experts in fields such as neur­o­logy, psycho­logy and design. A number of work­shops will also take place for chil­dren and adults, includ­ing some in asso­ci­ation with the Swiss feder­a­tion for the blind and partially sighted. A free brochure accom­pan­ies the exhib­i­tion, the Touch Book, and the visual commu­nic­a­tion about the show is itself tact­ile and odor­i­fer­ous.

The project has also benefited from other part­ner­ships, partic­u­larly with Swiss univer­sit­ies: Zurich Univer­sity of the Arts (ZHdK), Geneva Univer­sity of Art and Design (HEAD), Univer­sity of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL) and the École tech­nique – École des méti­ers de Lausanne (ETML).

Vue de l'exposition Touch
Vue de l'exposition Touch
Vue de l'exposition Touch
Peau artificielle électronique
Vue de l'exposition Touch
Collection de gamepads
Installation interactive de Jan Huggenberg
Interface à retour de force
Rubiks Cube en braille de Konstantin Datz
Vue de l'exposition Touch