Times in Tapestry

07.11.2025 → 08.03.2026
Goshka Macuga x Grayson Perry x Mary Toms

mudac and Fondation Toms Pauli are proud to present an exceptional exhibition dedicated to tapestry as a vector for social and political discourse.

Far from being confined to a decor­at­ive role, tapestry has always been a power­ful tool for storytelling. From medi­eval times to contem­por­ary creations, it provides a space for dialogue at the cross­roads of collect­ive aspir­a­tions, histor­ical narrat­ives, and contem­por­ary issues.

The exhib­i­tion brings together major works from the Toms collec­tion, woven in the pres­ti­gi­ous Brus­sels work­shops between 1660 and 1725, along­side contem­por­ary creations by Goshka Macuga and Grayson Perry. Tapestries, such as The History of Scipio Afric­anus and The Emper­ors Titus and Vespasian, depict glor­i­ous and symbolic epis­odes from Roman narrat­ives. At this occa­sion two tapestries will be presen­ted to the public for the first time, high­light­ing the value and prestige of this collec­tion, owned by the State of Vaud.

These histor­ical master­pieces reson­ate with the power­ful creations of Goshka Macuga and Grayson Perry. Through tapestries such as Perry’s The Vanity of Small Differ­ences or bespoke works by Macuga, the exhib­i­tion explores contem­por­ary themes of social struggle, critiques of consumer soci­ety, and power dynam­ics. For this occa­sion, Macuga will create a unique textile work, specially created in dialogue with the Toms collec­tion, which will enhance the exhib­i­tion with a distinct­ive and contem­por­ary perspect­ive.

The confront­a­tion of ancient and contem­por­ary works will high­light the time­less power of tapestry, with its visual language capable of convey­ing complex messages and foster­ing reflec­tion on univer­sal issues.

Judocus de Vos, The Surrender from The Art of War series, Brussels, 1718-24.

© The Toms Collection

Grayson Perry, Lamentation from The Vanity of Small Differences

© Grayson Perry Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro

Goshka Macuga, Of what is, that it is, of what is not, that is not II, 2012.

Grayson Perry, The Upper Class at Bay from The Vanity of Small Differences series, 2012.

© Grayson Perry Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro

Artist Grayson Perry stands in front of a piece of his entitled 'Comfort Blanket' at the National Portrait gallery

© Dan Kitwood

Polish artist Goshka Macuga

© Kasia Bobula

Goshka Macuga, Death of Marxism, Women of All Lands. Unite, 2013

Curators Marco Costantini, director of mudac
Magali Junet, director of Fondation Toms Pauli
Supported by Diane Maechler
Exhibition design Raphaèle Gygi