Swiss Federal Design Awards 2007

17.10.2007 → 17.02.2008
Affiche de l'exposition des Prix fédéraux de design 2007
An exhibition by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture in collaboration with the mudac

This spring, 25 works and projects by 31 design­ers won awards within the frame­work of the Swiss Federal Design Compet­i­tion. This edition marks the strong repres­ent­a­tion of prize-winners active in the field of graphic art. The other award-winning works came from the fields of indus­trial design, fash­ion design, textile design, jewellery design, illus­tra­tion design or typo­graphy.

Exhib­i­tion curat­ory: Patrizia Criv­elli, Susanne Hilp­ert Stuber, Aure­lia Müller, Chantal Prod’Hom
Sceno­graphy: Fulguro, Lausanne