Swiss Federal Design Awards 2011

19.10.2011 → 12.02.2012

The Swiss Confed­er­a­tion’s Design Awards 2011 exhib­i­tion asso­ci­ates the works by the laur­eates of the Swiss design awards and the Grand Prix Design. It repres­ents a unique occa­sion for the visitor to get to know contem­por­ary creation in design.

From young students just coming out of a high school of design to exper­i­enced design­ers, the exhib­i­tion shows items coming from the worlds of fash­ion and textiles, graphic design, photo­graphy, product design and sceno­graphy. These works, either made for commer­cial purposes or for a personal preoc­cu­pa­tion, are an invalu­able approach to Swiss design nowadays.

An exhib­i­tion by the mudac and the Swiss Federal Office of Culture­des­ig­

Thilo Alex Brunner, styliste
Roland Früh, médiateur
Nick Widmer, photographe
Nico Krebs, photographe
Stéphanie Baechler, designer textile