Pop-Up. Design between Dimensions

22.11.2012 → 03.03.2013
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up

Conceived by trend fore­caster and curator Lidewij Edelkoort and upcom­ing at the mudac, the exhib­i­tion Pop-Up. Design between Dimen­sions addresses the changes that the 21st century is under­go­ing, as revealed in the emer­gence of tempor­ary, mobile and recyc­lable prac­tices – be it in art, design and/or soci­ety. The pop-up trend is rooted in the singu­lar context of the early 21st century, marked as it has been by upheaval gener­ated by the mixing of cultures, econom­ies strained to the limits, hyper invent­ive media and state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies.

The disap­pear­ance of famil­iar struc­tures has incited a renewed desire for synergy – a desire that feeds on prac­tices that are flex­ible, imme­di­ate and tempor­ary, making the most of the unex­pec­ted and the appro­pri­ated in the public domain. Thus pop-up boutiques and museums have tended to spring up amidst the urban fabric, only to disap­pear, like so many spec­tac­u­lar but ephem­eral guer­illa brands.

Concept and produc­tion: MOTI, Museum Of The Image, The Neth­er­lands
Curator: Lidewij Edelkoort

Design­ers and artists: Borre Akkersdijk, Atelier Oï, Maarten Baas, Big Game, Tord Boontje, Cath­ar­ina van Eetvelde, Kiki van Eijk, Eley Kishimoto & Ben Wilson, Front, Anna Garforth, Jaime Hayon, Niels Hoebers, Rei Kawak­ubo, Anthony Kleinepier, Eric Ku, Laurens Manders, Andrea Mastro­vito, Niels Meul­man, Issey Miyake, Molo Design, Bartosz Mucha, Neozoon, Camille Scher­rer, Rodrigo Solórz­ano, Studio Job, Richard Woods & Sebastian Wrong

Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Installation Chairfix d'Eley Kishimoto
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Sketch Furniture
Installation interactive de Camille Scherrer
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Installation de Neozoon
Video de Maarten Baas
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up
Vue de l'exposition Pop-Up