Pierre Charpin. Amidst the Vases

04.03 → 01.06.2009
Affiche de l'exposition Pierre Charpin. Entre les vases
Carte blanche to Pierre Charpin

Trained in the plastic arts, Pierre Charpin is taking over premises at the mudac during a carte blanche exhib­i­tion offer­ing a panor­amic view of his work. The exhib­i­tion is an invit­a­tion to travel into the very heart of his creat­ive work, in which furniture, objects, mater­i­als, colours and propos­als provide evid­ence of his curi­os­ity, his sense of humour, his play on words, and the extraordin­ary finesse and preci­sion of his products.

The design­er’s work is char­ac­ter­ised by a constant concern with form, aimed at rigour and the essen­tial, while allow­ing free rein to the express­ive inter­play of mater­i­als, colours and possible uses. An original sceno­graphy created by the designer presents an emblem­atic selec­tion of objects from differ­ent peri­ods in combin­a­tion with short anim­a­tion films made espe­cially for the mudac.

Julien Ayer, Carafe, 2003
Vase de Pierre Charpin