Ornaments from there, ornaments from here: incidences, coincidences?

04.11.2000 → 25.02.2001
Affiche de l'exposition Parures d'ici, parures d'ailleurs

The gath­er­ing together of diverse and faraway worlds to which this exhib­i­tion invites us resul­ted from a meet­ing: that between a creator of contem­por­ary jewellery, Carole Guinard, who via her innov­at­ive gallery, was also its first ambas­sador in French-speak­ing Switzer­land, and a trav­el­ler, Marie Alamir, who cannot bring herself to choose between ethno­graphy and art history, and who has been fascin­ated for a long time by the finery of tradi­tional non-West­ern soci­et­ies.

In the course of exchanges and mutual obser­va­tions regard­ing these objects we became aware of multiple disquiet­ing corres­pond­ences, the more obvi­ous of which were of a formal or mater­ial order. These led us to ask ourselves about the nature of such affin­it­ies, discov­er­ing, beyond appear­ances, the diver­gences or displace­ments of revel­at­ory mean­ings which distin­guish these two groups.

Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici
Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici
Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici
Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici
Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici
Vue de l'exposition Parures d'ailleurs, parures d'ici