Mdvanii: This is not a Doll!

17.11.2006 → 11.02.2007
Affiche de l'exposition Mdvanii: Ceci n'est pas une poupée!
BillyBoy* & Lala
The exhib­i­tion Mdvanii: This is not a Doll! was proposed by Billy­Boy* and Lala. Mdvanii, conceived for adults, blurs the lines from the begin­ning. It appro­pri­ates – only to divert them – the prin­ciples of doll fash­ion and haute couture, thus becom­ing a complete work of art. The glam­or­ous universe of this sculp­ture “with a life style” is a poetic fiction in which past and future are tele­scoped into an inspired and artic­u­lated chaos. Having become “cyber­sexual”, the enig­matic Mdvanii, never late with a meta­morph­osis, recycles surreal­ism and canni­bal­izes fash­ion.

The Musée de l’Élysée has exhib­ited, along­side, photo­graphs of Mdvanii in situ­ation.