Mastering Design

31.10.2013 → 09.02.2014
Design Academy Eindhoven and Royal College of Art

The mudac has made a habit of offer­ing its spaces to recent gradu­ates of the Swiss univer­sit­ies of art and design. The recent decision of Swiss federal author­it­ies to discon­tinue their spon­sor­ship for our present­a­tion of the winners of the Swiss Federal Design Prizes every two years has incited us to open our doors to the latest gener­a­tion of European creat­ors, as a way of explor­ing recent trends beyond our national bound­ar­ies.

The Design Academy Eind­hoven and the Royal College of Art have a highly innov­at­ive approach to design, and neither have any qualms about chal­len­ging the conven­tional func­tion­al­ity of objects. There­fore, both tend to come up with exper­i­mental and concep­tual pieces imbued with humor and poetry. Hence, we have invited them to invest our exhib­i­tion rooms with a selec­tion of projects by their students or recent gradu­ates reflect­ing their preoc­cu­pa­tions: sustain­ab­il­ity, social issues, immig­ra­tion, health, etc.

Design­ers from Design Academy Eind­hoven: Alicia Ongay-Perez, Studio Form­a­fant­asma, Tristan Girard, Monica Alisse, Bora Hong, Aurélie Hoegy, Wei Lun Tseng, mischer­’traxler studio, Tuomas Markun­poika Tolvanen, Tristan Kopp, Jon Stam, Thomas Vailly & Itay Ohaly

Design­ers from Royal College of Art: Anton Alvarez, Marguer­ite Humeau, Thomas Thwaites, Hilda Hell­ström, Agatha Haines, Jorge Manes Rubio, Tom Jarvis, Silo Studio, Koby Barhad, Po Chih Lai, Sandra Fruebing, Lingjing Yin

Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design
View of the exhibitionVue de l'exposition Mastering Design Mastering Design
Vue de l'exposition Mastering Design