Martí Guixé: Context Free

26.06 → 28.09.2003
Marti Guixé
Carte blanche to Martí Guixé

The mudac’s third carte blanche exhib­i­tion was offered to Martí Guixé, ex-designer, as he describes himself. Guixé designed an install­a­tion reflect­ing the spirit in which he works: one of irony, simpli­city, distance or exten­sion of certain contem­por­ary habits, free­dom of creation. Along­side objects that are for the most part unpub­lished, and “context free” because they come from differ­ent hori­zons, Guixé presents a project – Kitchen-Build­ings - designed specific­ally for the mudac.

Start­ing from the idea that our present-day manner of cook­ing is more a leis­ure activ­ity than deriv­ing from a need to eat, Guixé dreamed up seven envir­on­ments in which one could live and cook at the same time, some­thing like kitchen habit­ats, presen­ted in the form of scale models. Illus­trated with his char­ac­ter­istic small sketches, this project yet again reveals the Catalan artist’s preoc­cu­pa­tion with our rela­tion­ship to food.