The World of Buddhism in the collection Jacques-Édouard Berger

01.06.2005 → 31.12.2006
Jacques-Édouard Berger collection, Asia sector

This new install­a­tion is an oppor­tun­ity to see a number of works from the Berger Collec­tion that have never previ­ously been on public display. Around fifty statues and ritual objects dating from the 4th to the 19th century, prin­cip­ally from China, but also from Japan, Tibet, Nepal, Burma, Cambodia, Indone­sia and India, offer visit­ors a glimpse of the diversity of the pantheon and prac­tices of Buddhism through its three major streams: Hinay­ana, Mahay­ana and Vajray­ana.

The cultural universe that gave rise to this reli­gion is also repres­en­ted by several statues of Hindu gods.