Living Glass II

18.03 → 01.11.2015
Scultupre en verre de Katharine Coleman
Recent acquisitions by the glass art collection

Thanks to the gener­os­ity of our patron, whose family star­ted the mudac’s collec­tion of glass art in 1970, our hold­ings have expan­ded consid­er­ably in recent years. Explor­ing the paths of contem­por­ary design in all their diversity, these new works reflect the most recent devel­op­ments in the use of glass.

The second part of Living Glass presents a broad selec­tion of works acquired between 2012 and 2014. Of partic­u­lar note are the spec­tac­u­lar sculp­ture by Tomáš Liber­tíny, a fusion of the creat­ive powers of humans and bees, works by the artist Hassan Khan and the Nendo design work­shop, six works selec­ted for the European Cobur­ger Glas­preis 2013 award and a selec­tion of works by the young design­ers of Fabrica in Treviso.

Scupture en verre de Formafantasma
Sculpture en verre de Gizela Sabokova
Sculpture en verre d'Ann Wolff
Sculpture en verre de Sandrine Pelletier
Sculpture by Hassan Khan
Table de Nendo
Sculpture en verre de Daniela Schönbächler
Sculpture en verre de Yoichi Ohira
Sculpture by Tomas Libertiny