Living Glass

11.12.2013 → 01.03.2015
Sculpture par Fred Fischer
Recent acquisitions by the glass art collection
The mudac’s latest contem­por­ary glass art exhib­i­tion, Living Glass, presents a broad selec­tion of works and install­a­tions by today’s glass creat­ors of many nation­al­it­ies-Swiss, European, Amer­ican and Asian. Bear­ing witness to the very idea of glass art, pieces ranging from sculp­ture to edition design all trans­late the museum conser­va­tion team’s open and ongo­ing approach, as assisted and suppor­ted by the Collec­tion’s patron.
Published jointly by La Biblio­thèque des Arts and the mudac, a richly illus­trated and trilin­gual (fr/en/de) public­a­tion, Le verre vivant [Living Glass] accom­pan­ies this exhib­i­tion.