Glass in all its states

31.03.2004 → 15.04.2007

After two them­atic exhib­i­tions in 2002 and 2003, the new install­a­tion focuses on the evoc­at­ive prop­er­ties of glass. Trans­par­ency confined to imma­ter­i­al­ity, play of lights, these are qual­it­ies often exal­ted by the creat­ors. Yet, it is possible to explore other paths that attest to the express­ive rich­ness of glass as a medium: perfectly imit­at­ing any other mater­ial; creat­ing opaque glass, doing surface work or cutting; using glass as a support for pictorial expres­sion… Differ­ent ways of approach­ing glass that parti­cip­ate in the aesthetic discourse in which contem­por­ary glass art is set, and which this exhib­i­tion aims to high­light.