Young french-speaking Creators of Comic Strips and animated Films

19.09.2001 → 06.01.2002
Affiche de l'exposition Jeunes créateurs romands de BD et de films d'animation

In this exhib­i­tion Young French-speak­ing Swiss comic strips and anim­ated film creat­ors, we find some authors who already have an inter­na­tional repu­ta­tion like Zep, Wazem and Tom Tirabosco, but also younger artists follow­ing close, all ready to take over. Anim­ated films have great success among young French-speak­ing Swiss artists such as Antoine Guex and the broth­ers Guil­laume and Zoltán Horváth.

The films that we came across during the prepar­a­tion of this exhib­i­tion are true gems of humor, of ques­tion­ing and of effect­ive creations of a universe. What unites these two areas is the design and cutting of a story into small boxes, moving or static. But it is more import­antly the works that prove that French-Speak­ing Swiss creat­ors are full of talent and imagin­a­tion.