Reading Frenzy

21.10.2009 → 31.01.2010
La Joie de Lire, youth publisher

Created at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in La Chaux-de-Fonds in the summer of 2008, the exhib­i­tion on the Genevan publisher of books for the young, La Joie de Lire, is being re-inven­ted this autumn at the mudac. The artist Chris­tian Gonzen­bach has dreamed up an amaz­ing install­a­tion, La Grande Friche, inspired by albums and stor­ies published by the publisher. In this space, the imagin­ary, make-believe world of the char­ac­ters from the books becomes real. It is a place in which read­ing, relax­a­tion and creation merge.

“In this sceno­graphy, which plays on the scale of the char­ac­ters, décor and furniture elements, visit­ors are invited to lose them­selves in a forest inhab­ited by wolves, bears and cats. They will be able to sit on a card­board stump and immerse them­selves in read­ing under the gaze of Marta the cow”, Chris­tian Gonzen­bach explains.

Design­ers, artists and creat­orsAdrienne Barman, Constanza Bravo & Caroline Laffon, Wolf Erlbruch, Albertine, Haydé Ardalan, Taro Miura, Rotraut Susanne Berner