Animated Cinema. Spacetricks

20.06 → 23.09.2007

Anim­ated Cinema. Spacet­ricks offers an inter­na­tional selec­tion of 26 anim­ated films, both short and full-length. These films were chosen to respond to the interests of a wide audi­ence and stand out because of their partic­u­lar treat­ment of space.
Deal­ing with topics which present stor­ies relat­ing to our human condi­tion, the anim­ated films draw the viewer into an inven­ted world in which he can project emotion­ally, intel­lec­tu­ally and aesthet­ic­ally. imagin­a­tion.

Humour, poetry and narra­tion open up new paths of inter­pret­a­tion about our rela­tion­ship to space, time and the creat­ive. The exhib­i­tion features, in addi­tion to films, many sketches, models, decor­a­tions, draw­ings on vari­ous media, paint­ings, figur­ines and accessor­ies.

Artists: Basil Vogt Andraskay, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Paul Driessen, Raimund Krumme, Georges Schw­izgebel, Osvaldo Cavan­doli, Michaela Pavlátová, Chris Hinton, Barry Purves, Virgil Widrich, Zbig­niew Rybczyn­ski, Daniel Greaves, Claudius Gentin­etta, Broth­ers Quay, Aard­man Anim­a­tions, Peter Lord, Nick Park, Hanna Nord­holt et Fritz Stein­grobe, Tomek Bagin­ski, Piotr Dumala, Clive Walley, Caroline Leaf, Ishu Patel, Priit Pärn, Vera Neubauer, Adri­aan Lokman, George Griffin, Stuart Hilton, Gisèle & Nag Ansorge, Paul Vester