Animals with Style

13.10.2006 → 11.02.2007
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style

Since time imme­morial, the rela­tion­ships between man and animal have given shape to multiple objects and works of art. For some years now we have been witness­ing a spec­tac­u­lar resur­gence of creativ­ity among design­ers and styl­ists, while artists have regu­larly kept the subject alive with emblem­atic, some­times explos­ive works. The inter­dis­cip­lin­ary approach offered by this exhib­i­tion aims to put this copi­ous output into perspect­ive, choos­ing a crit­ical point of view with multiple entrances and view­points.

A vast panor­ama group­ing together several hundred objects and works by more than 100 creat­ors from all coun­tries, Anim­als with Style opens the door to numer­ous fantas­ies, asks disturb­ing ques­tions about the unbridled produc­tion of objects created “for” anim­als and, we hope, revives the debate about the chal­lenges of this troub­ling yet stim­u­lat­ing rela­tion­ship with our oldest fellow trav­el­ler.

Design­ers, artists and creat­ors: Eero Aarnio, Art Orienté Objet, James Auger, Enrico Azzi­monti & Jordi Pigem, James Balog, Pascal Bernier, Yves Béhar, Big-Game, Cini Boeri, Mars Broberg & Johan Ridder­stråle, Marie-José Burki, Bill Burns, Elio Cacca­vale, Céline Cléron, Matali Crasset, Rachel & Benoît Convers / IBRIDE, Geof­frey Cottenceau, Nicolas Darrot, Wim Delvoye, FABRICA DESIGN, Pierre-Phil­ippe Frey­mond, Chris­tian Ghion, Robert Glig­orov, Thomas Grün­feld, Valérie Guézen­nec, Happypets, Craig Hold­en­fein­berg, Roni Horn, Isao Hosoe, Alain Huck, Ham Jin, Patrick Jullien, Kari­wanz, Jean-Pierre Khazem, Markus Koskinen, Oleg Kulik, Annika Larsson, Math­ieu Lehan­neur, Julia Lohmann, Brian McIntyre, Fabrizio Meolli, Miriam Mirri, James Mollison, Eelko Moorer, Marco Morosini, Jasper Morrison, Moschino, Monika Mulder, Anto­nio Oltav­aro, Clau­dio Parmig­giani, Perma­frost design­stu­dio, Margot Quan Knight, Radi design­ers, Erik Ravelo, Werner Reit­erer, Yves Saint Laurent, SANAA & Naoki Takiz­awa, Stéphane Sautour, Joe Scan­lan, SKK (Shiu Kay Kan), Wieki Somers, Robert Stadler, Jana Ster­bak, System­atic, Naoki Takiz­awa for Issey Miyake, Alex­an­der Taylor, Rose­marie Trockel, Urs, Patrick Van Caeck­en­bergh, Xavier Veil­han, Maria Vinka, Florence Vuil­leu­mier & Pierre-Phil­ippe Frey­mond, Nele Waldert, Brandon Warren, Zhen­zhong Yang, Isamu Yoda, Michael Young, Jennifer Yoko Olson, Grégoire Züger

Brands: Alessi, ALTER EGO, ATYPYK, Catnap, Cats and Dogs, Cesar®, CHAT­EAU de VENDEUVRE, Chipie, Fortun­e­cook­ies, Fressnapf, GAIA&GINO, Genesi Inter­na­tional, Goyard, Martine Harraca, Ikea®, Inès de la Fress­ange, Junon de Bavolle, Magis, Marie Poir­ier, Marco Morosini, Massant SA, Nabaztag, Pince­loup, Sega Toys, Sheba®, Star two two Studio, The Original Puppy­Purse Carrier System™, Un chien dans le Marais, Violet, WANIMO, Wouapy, Yves Saint Laurent Paris

Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style
Vue de l'exposition Bêtes de style