Recent acquisitions II

26.10.2005 → 12.02.2006
Carton d'invitation de l'exposition Acquisitions récentes II

Each and every museum has to make people aware of its collec­tions. To permit the general public to find out about pieces acquired since its open­ing in 2000, the mudac decided to stage a two-part exhib­i­tion: the first part, organ­ised last autumn, was dedic­ated to glass and design. The second part now presents ceram­ics, jewellery and prints – works that comple­ment the collec­tions inher­ited from the Musée des arts décor­at­ifs.

Mostly produced by Swiss artists, these works attrac­ted our atten­tion because of their design, their aesthet­i­cism, or as a tech­nical feat. Jewellery by Esther Brink­mann, Sophie Hanagarth, Sophie Bouduban, Sonia Morel and Andi Gut, prints by Fabrice Gygi and Fisc­hli/Weiss, ceram­ics by François Ruegg, Arnold Annen, Patri­cia Glave, Caroline Andrin and Magdalena Gerber are like recent mile­stones in this brief trawl through our collec­tions. This exhib­i­tion also gives us an oppor­tun­ity to pay homage to our author­it­ies, who provide us with an annual budget for the purchase of works.