Flavia Cocchi

07.03 → 10.06.2012

The mudac is happy to present the COCCHI exhib­i­tion featur­ing works by the Lausanne graphic designer Flavia Cocchi. Launched at the Galerie Anatome in Paris in spring 2010 and since updated and completed for five of our museum galler­ies, this show displays fifty of Cocchi’s projects on behalf of vari­ous clients, includ­ing the mudac. Since open­ing to the public in 2000, our museum has regu­larly commis­sioned this designer to create its visual commu­nic­a­tion – invit­a­tion cards, posters and numer­ous them­atic and mono­graphic cata­logues for over 40 mudac exhib­i­tions.
Apart from her graphic design pieces, our show focuses on this design­er’s research meth­ods and varied sources of inspir­a­tion – objects of all kinds, colour ranges, trinkets, tools or samples of mater­i­als. Flavia Cocchi herself
designed and set up the exhib­i­tion design. This includes a play­ful intro­duc­tion with word puzzles to intro­duce visit­ors to her teem­ing universe. Clev­erly arranged pack­ing crates serve to present the widely diver­si­fied supports for her works – be they announce­ments, exhib­i­tion public­a­tions, posters, visit­ing cards, station­ery with letter­heads, or wrap­ping paper. Invited to consult many of the cata­logues on display, visit­ors are free to leaf through them to
their heart’s content.
The exhib­i­tion high­lights the main lines of Flavia Cocchi’s creat­ive approach: her passion for typo­graphy, her immense mastery of colour, her fine feel for choos­ing mater­i­als, and her great formal accur­acy.
After grant­ing carte blanche to the design­ers Ruedi Baur, Mieke Gerritzen and, more recently, Stefan Sagmeister, the invit­a­tion exten­ded to Flavia Cocchi repres­ents a trib­ute at once to the dynam­ism and invent­ive­ness of Swiss graphic design and to one of its lead­ing repres­ent­at­ives.