Friends of mudac

Become an ambas­sador

By join­ing the friends of mudac asso­ci­ation, you become an ambas­sador of mudac’s iden­tity and values. Your support enables the museum to develop high-qual­ity projects that are part of an ongo­ing reflec­tion on the place of design in our soci­et­ies and the way in which it echoes soci­etal changes.

By becom­ing a friend, beyond being a member of the asso­ci­ation, you help create a real network of contacts between enthu­si­asts, profes­sion­als, and industry stake­hold­ers. This involve­ment takes the form of a wide range of exclus­ive activ­it­ies, from work­shop tours to innov­at­ive courses on topical issues.

You also bene­fit from priv­ileged access to many design-related insti­tu­tions in both French- and German-speak­ing Switzer­land, foster­ing dialogue between asso­ci­ations.



Please fill in the following form to join the friends of mudac association. We will contact you as soon as possible.

For further information, please contact us directly at the following address :

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Asso­ci­ation Commit­tee

Lorraine Clément President
Winka Angelrath Art historian, curator advisor
Laure Gremion Industrial designer
Bertille Laguet Ironworker and designer
Rafaël Santianez Scientific collaborator
Nicole Chebeir Ragy Founder and director of the NOV gallery in Carouge
Chantal Prod’Hom Art historian, former director of mudac
Isabelle Chatelain Treasurer. Specialist in communications and event organisation.