
CHF 35.00


Design has long played with notions or variations of fake. All the articles in this issue of RADDAR N°4 are written by designers or designer-researchers for whom the notion of fake had to be re-invoked, because the increasingly ambiguous link of our societies with fake (deceptive technique, reconstructions, post-truths, alternative, facts, fact-checking) necessarily reposition their practices in new relationships with the tools, with certain projects or with the observation of the society in which they act.

The past three issues of RADDAR were largely devoted to contributions from historians, anthropologists, philosophers and design theoreticians. This issue, number 4, is exclusively composed of original texts written by designers, in which they discuss their ongoing research, their investigations and their experience.

  • The contents of this issuecan be browsed here
  • Issue also available at the museum shop

Faux/fake, co-edition mudac/T&P Work UNit
French – english, 2022, 240 pages

The scientific direction of this fourth issue of RADDAR has been entrusted to Emile De Visscher (Humboldt University Berlin), in collaboration with Les Presses Pondérées.

Featuring texts by Les Presses Pondérées, de Unfold Studio, Valentine Clot, Arthur Gouillart, Elaine Tam, Jamie Allen, Sofie Boons, Tobie Nathan, Émile De Visscher and Max Mollon.

A joint interview with Simone C. Niquille et Francesco Sebregondi, conducted by Emile de Visscher.

Cover design by Juliette Gelli~ and Pinaffo-Pluvinage

Graphic design by Rebecca Metzger et Pauline Piguet, based on a model by Julien Mercier.

RADDAR is the first French-Swiss annual journal dedicated to design research, designed by Swiss graphic designers Julien Mercier, Rebecca Metzger and Pauline Piguet. The coexistence of the two languages creates a bridge between French and English-speaking research and enables young and experienced researchers alike to express themselves on themes of interest in design theory.

RADDAR takes its name from an evocatively resonant acronym. Radar is designed to detect and pinpoint object, emitting a beam of waves that bounce back for analysis as a source of new knowledge. The annual review aims to train its antennae on the various complex objects of design, revealing the field’s semantic, visual, and aesthetic wealth as well as its social, political and economic dimensions.

See also