Zep: The Sketched Portrait

19.06 → 10.10.2010
Affiche de l'exposition Zep: le portrait dessiné

Titeuf and his mates, Nadia, the school­mis­tress, there are many things that define the comics designer Zep. In The Sketched Portrait, Zep reveals his universe in the first mono­graphic exhib­i­tion dedic­ated to this world famous designer in a Swiss museum. The exhib­i­tion is made of seven themes: “child”, “passer-by”, “inhab­it­ant of the earth”, “utopian”, “musi­cian”, “solit­ary” and “sexual”. It presents album extracts but also sketch books, illus­tra­tions or unpub­lished pages.

Zep is the guest star of the BD-FIL Fest­ival in Lausanne, organ­ised from 10 to 12 Septem­ber 2010.