Otto Künzli. The Exhibition

02.07 → 05.10.2014
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Jewellery 1967-2012

Considered a master of concep­tual jewellery, Swiss artist Otto Künzli has intel­li­gent hands and a mischiev­ous spirit. He makes liberal use of irony to ques­tion the assump­tions of our soci­ety and criti­cise its short­com­ings. He is an icon­o­clast. He plays with symbols and makes free with cultural refer­ences. He uses jewellery as a means of expres­sion, but does not neglect its orna­mental func­tion.

Through the vast range of objects in the exhib­i­tion, visit­ors can immerse them­selves in his sump­tu­ous, gener­ous, crit­ical and witty universe. The mudac, whose collec­tions include several pieces by Otto Künzli, is the only Swiss destin­a­tion on the itin­er­ary of the exhib­i­tion, the first of such scope to be devoted to the artist. Initi­ated by Die Neue Sammlung – The Inter­na­tional Design Museum Munich, where it was presen­ted in spring 2013, it will be trans­fer­ring to the Tokyo Metro­pol­itan Teien Art Museum.

Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Vue de l'exposition Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Vue de l'exposition Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli
Bijou d'Otto Künzli